Today I made a public blog statement that I wanted to start using gender neutral pronouns in the form of ze. This would in turn look like
Ze laughed
I called zer
Zer eyes gleam
That is zer
Ze likes zemself
Now before I was using the gender non-specific "n" as my pronoun so you all may wonder why the big change now. My idea behind "n" was to not make a blig public statement about my gender, or lack there of but instead try to use this individualistic expression as something not important. After reading more literature, and being active with a trans community online I've decided that the movement to make ze or em natural pronouns in the English language is an important shift.
When I choose to change my prounoun I am already making some sort of statement, weather I like it or not so I feel now that it is important for me to help alone the moevment in this way. being thought of as ze isn't that wierd to me anymore that she is but at lease now I can have the satisfaction that ze is going somewhere in the mind of those who have no idea about trans issues.
You may not understand this logic compleatly but I feel strongly that since I don't want to be refered to as she is doesn't matter what lable I actually aquire so why not help a term become more wide spread.
Happy monday all
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