You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Thursday, June 17, 2010

numeric social order

Numbers have a consciousness that includes themselves and the number than comes directly before them. Even still that number which comes directly before any other given number only exists, because it allows for the next number in the series to exists. Numbers do not care what comes after them. A number does not understand that the number which comes after it, is looking towards it in order to understand it's own existence. Number care a great deal about the sum of their parts. This is because, in order for a number to exists outside of it's line in secession it must be created through operations of mathematics. Numbers are therefore encouraged to understand what makes them, although they are limited by laws and orders, dictating how they are to be formed.

I like a number allow myself to be encouraged.
I like a number are curious and selfish and even lonely.
I like a number care a great deal about the sum of my parts.

therefore, I am a number.


N.J. said...

The play I am writing for radio about a future world has ruined my thought process for all other things.

Chelsea Jones said...

I really like this. The way you write really amazes me.