My current location - gently leaning on a pillow with a blanket near and my epidemiology book open. For my 20th birthday I decided to get the second half of my lower back piece done. So now with my back bleeding and my body still in small shock I write to you.
The two fairies came into existence about 2.5 years ago. My friend Sammy and I were talking about our 18th birthday which fell on the same day February 22 2007. I was getting a tattoo but at that time still wasn't sure what it was going to be of. I will have to explain to you now that Sammy and I believed that we were each others sole mate. Not in a sexual way as we never planned on dating or being romantically active with each other. But we decided that we would both get a fairy tattooed somewhere on our body to always remember the other by. My first fairy is named Keomie which means the beautiful one. It is a representation of what Sammy wanted to look like. Sammy was a transgender MTF but was still preop.
Sammy killed herself at her fathers home in northern California. I was crushed and didn't know how to deal with it for a really long time. I loved that girl with everything in me and didn't want to think about the fact that I couldn't call her up and talk about anything and everything anymore. I never had experienced losing someone and I had to deal with school and everything involved with moving on. Long story short there was another fairy that had been drawn. I didn't have the original artwork that sammy had worked out with one of her artistic friends but I had the ideas that sammy and I talked about together. So it took me months but I recreated the second fairy who then ended up in a box under my bed for a long time. This year I decided that I was going to get the second artwork done.
The art took just less than 2 hours, and I almost died towards the end. I wanted to give up, but I was so close. Also the wings (which are blue) almost killed me because they were on such soft skin but now that it is over I would not have wanted it any other way. My next (4th) is almost finished being designed and I may end up getting it before the summer. I am working on a 1/4 sleeve on my left arm I already have one piece of work there - my genderqueer symbol. I plan to add spirituality, theatre, Germany, Africa, and perhaps something girl scout related to the sleeve. I am not completely sure yet though. I also plan on getting keomie reshaded to make it more of one picture
omg that story is amazing and very touching... i love it when people get tattoos because they actually mean something and they just aren't getting one to get one. your story is so beautiful and i wish more people could hear it!
Maybe someday more people will hear this story who knows
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