You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Monday, June 15, 2009

The spoons

Yesterday during introductions to the Dining hall Obi Joe - my camp director was talking about cleaning up. She got to the part about talking all the spoons at your table to the spoon bucket. Of course then she said, not that spoon and pointed at me. Which is always cute and fine. The funny part of this story is that one of the girls said - yeah we'll only take the metal spoons to the bucket. Another girl at my table looked square at me and said, "you do have a lot of metal in you!"

I just smiled


Kate Baumgartner said...

*squeeeeeaaak* that is super cute. I miss you so much, Spoon! Two weeks!

<3 Switch

N.J. said...

you have no idea how much I need your visit and your cuddles. SO MUCH