I have been undergoing a slight series of depression over the last few months. I have not been focusing on it, instead I've been baking and reading new books trying to busy myself out of loneliness. I've begun to define things, words and ideas in my notebooks the pages are covered with personal definitions. It makes me think that I am really working to understand the world around me. At the same time, I am still consuming all sorts of other matter of information. I mentioned this is a previous post, but I am reading and watching and hearing stories and pictures and poetry. This was part of the depression cycle for me because I did not want to leave my room, so I would spend evenings with my cat watching anime, and working on short stories or homework. I actually came to enjoy these activities as activities to define myself by.
I've been reading folktales, and novels, and plays from all spaces and thinkers of the world. I just want to learn as much as possible about as much as possible.

I've read many cookbooks over these days too, and tonight I baked a cake.
[Break] Cake aka [Break]Up Cake.
This is a picture of the chocolate bottom cherry cake I made.
p.s. I am comfortable right now
being who I am.
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