You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Monday, March 29, 2010

College Coffee

This is how I make Coffee. I will post the picture in the blog, but right now it won't upload so you should follow the link I made.

The upper most part of the contraption is a reusable coffee filter. My entire first year of college I owned my own coffee pot, and I used it everyday. I liked to be environmentally friendly so I had this beautiful reusable filter, I got it for Christmas and it works great.

However the coffee pot died, and I was left a poor college student in need of caffeine. So I put together my own one cup coffee pot, which is more economical and environmentally friendly for me. The filter is standing upright by the assistance of a small mouth mason jar ring. In oder for this is be placed over standard sized coffee mugs and tea cups I cut a whole out of the plastic butter lid smaller than the size of the ring. Stack the two on top of each other, place the coffee grounds inside and pour over hot/boiling water. Bam, one cup of hot drip coffee.


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