You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Friday, November 28, 2008

Hair dye and turkey

A cousin of mine, who has always be interested in Art has recently decided that she never wants to do art again and instead wants to do hair and nails. This is fine and even welcomed by my family. I didn't even mind really until she told me that I needed to add some color to my hair, and then went on about how pale my cheeks are. I was shocked by how little she knew me, and by the thought of adding color to my cheeks. I made a comment about there not being any vegan products on the market that are reliable, and she left me alone for a while. I am sure when I left she was talking to one of my aunts about how flat and lifeless her hair was. I won't be surprised if she gave her a list of suggestions.
My deal is really that my family will support 100% the pursuit of beauty school, but my private liberal arts school is on the black list of family topics. Meaning we just don't talk about it.
I was explaining my major to an Aunt who I knew would never understand, but I didn't stop telling her because she kept pretending to be interested. I think we lead each other on, my family and my education. They talk about a cousin of mine who is 4 years older, and has been going to school for 6 years. Not doing anything. But that is alright, because she is going to a school that they know the name of.

I don't know why I even try anymore.
Thank you Grinnell for understanding me when they don't!

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