You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We still have a lot to learn

There is something to the music that children bring to our lives.
I am from a large family of 4 girls and 2 boys.
I am the 2nd oldest in this line of 6.
When I go home there is always someone to play with.
My 5 (nearly 6) year old sister is such a light into my world.

I want to show her so much about life, but also know that she needs to discover it alone.
How do you show someone how to love with all of there heart, when you know it is so easy to break. How do you teach someone how to grow flowers when you know the frost kills them every year. How do you teach someone to dance in the rain and bath in the sun when you know the toxins that both carry.
I want my sister to grow up in this world, but I also want to save her from it.

It is so very hard for me to see how excited she is about each turn of the book. I am excited but not as boundlessly hopeful anymore. Reality has begun to set in, no matter how hard I don't want it to.
Someday I will live in the green mountains, and I will grow everything that I eat. and I will save seeds, and write journals. and ride my bike to town. I will be known and unknown at the same time. I will preform poetry in a coffee house and slip out silently after. I will be in love with one person, and all people at the same time. And my sister will know, the world as well as I do.

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