As far as I can see it we have three revolutions at the forefront right now, health care/medicalization, the environmental movement and the gay/queer right movement. A possible fourth can be seen in the mobilization of a voice for poverty, but it has not yet reached the scale of the other three movements. Though, I do not out its eventual possibility.
I feel that we live in a time verging on a revolution. An actual full out overhaul, like the industrial revolution, or the American revolution. It has been a long time since a large scale global revolution has manifested itself. I know arguing these two as global revolutions is pointless because we have a staggering disproportion of industry throughout the world, and obviously the American revolution was centered on a landmass and the events that lead to a nation. I argue however that these revolutions changed life for every person in the world because standards and perceptios were changed than inevitable change the life of every person (however eventual and indirect that change may be).

I think now in a global world we are looking for a new revolution, were less than impressed by the race to space and the femisist movement wasn't quite a revolution, though it did allow other movements such as the black rights and gay rights movements to spring from. The enviornmentalist movement and the modern gay/queer rights movements both have potential and ability to become something big(er). Health care reform in the United States may be it's own course for the revolution of medicalization, with medical research and prospects growing in popularity and credit, and slowly become more manageable realities with results.

However, the other two/three movements including the movement for a voice for poverty, all have a strong desire to become the movement that is a the revoluton. They will all use the changes caused by the health care reform to further their own capital, and possibly in the course of things further medicalization its self. We are reaction bases, and only exciting things are expected out of these movements.
I will disclose the fact that I am ever conscious of the 2010 theories and this post may be considered my own explanation. I do not buy into the cosmological, and supernatural explanations, but I believe a lot in the social consciousness of large bodies of individuals. I think fear will have a building effect and a social and created phenomenon will occur around 2012. A superficial "end of the world" is not something I believe in, but I acknowledge the revolutions possible to completely change the world that we live in.
I do not know what the change will be, because no one will know. All we have are our theories.
I always feel like we're on the edge of something huge. I love the three movements you pointed out, I couldn't agree more that they are the revolutions of our time.
I wonder, though, if these things only seem so grand because of our place in the world. I wonder if, outside our young and activist world, these things are really as important as we think.
Okay, so my next question is who do you think levi's in this ad
I think it speaks to a target group that is not young intellectuals, but more mainstream and typical or traditional youth. I am not sure if this advertising is working, but that's okay because other movements are still "going forth."
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