I am absolutely out of my mind, and yes it is
Recent Harvard Medical studies have shown that happiness is a virus that spreads through closs social networks, and friend groups. At the same time, habits spread the same way. Smoking, drinking, depression, and obesity are also found to spread through friend groups (luckily not as quickly and efficiently though.)
I have been infected by the workout bug. Although I am not completely happy right now in my life a lot has happened that continues to push me towards a grounded place. For example, today I left the warmth and comfort of the bunker to venture through treacherous winds and snow to work out at the gym. I have never been that person. The only reason I did so well at club sports, is because I was responsible for someone else. Doing something like exercise for myself, was never enough of a motivation

Recently though I was bitten by a very infectious bug, and I went crazy. Crazy enough to be doing a triathlon on May 1st 2010. (113 days from now). It is a Sprint Triathlon meaning 300yd swimming, 15 miles biking, ending in a 5K run. I have spent the last 4 days in the gym testing out all the parts of my body, to see where my strengths and weaknesses lie.
Today was my "chill" day and I went to the gym looking for only a light run and some push-ups. No lifting, or crazy feats of power and endurance. Once I got on the treadmill though I felt this overwhelming urge to disappear into my head and just move. I set the pace at 5.5 mph and went. After 1.7 miles I stoped for a couple sips of water then I just picked back up where I left off. I ended up running 3 miles in 32.47 minutes. I am very proud and impressed with myself, because it was a great pace and it still leaves a lot of room for me to improve. I was pushing it, but not struggling and the first 2 miles just happened without me thinking about them. I probably would have gotten through the 3rd better, had I not then set the goal to make it until 3 miles. Before that conscious decision, I was just running because it felt good and I was still able to.
I placed myself into a sort of meditation. It was amazing because even after the workout I was in a soft dream like state when walking back to my room. I was perfectly content with everything around me, and all that was and continues to be my life.
I was happy, and I haven't been that happy in a long time. I really hope that the gym and the roads continue to bring me great levels of happiness, because now that I've seen them again I am not keen on letting it go.
After the workout I came back to my room, showered, then did some body relaxation meditation.
Needless to say, I have never felt better in my life. My mind and body are so relaxed and ready to kick anyone's ass. Did I mention working out makes me really egotistic? It's sort of an awful trait to harbor, but I hope to work on it.
In Conclusion, my life was really shitty so I started working out and now I'm more excited than I have been in months for something.
Goal 1: May 1st 2010 Siouxperman Triathlon
Goal 2: Chicago Area Summer 5K (more information pending)
Goal 3: Oktoberfest 10K run, Marshalltown September 26 2010 (to qualify for the Boulder, Boulder I need another 10K race under my belt)
Goal 4: Hoffin'It 2010 5K with Kate Baumgartner, Grinnell Iowa
Goal 5: Boulder Boulder 10K, May 31 2011
These are the big things to look forward to in the coming months.