This week really brought with it a lot of surprised and achievements in my workout plan and progression. This was a hard week mentally, and emotionally but I was able to drive all that extra unwanted energy and stress into my workouts. One day, I did find that after only 2 miles of my run I had the overwhelming urge to cry. Instead of pushing this emotion away from me, I left the gym and allowed myself to cry the whole way back to my room, and then made myself tea and took a shower. Afterward, I felt great and even did some push-up and sit-up routines in my room. Not enough to make myself sweaty again though.
Also my body is really starting to show all the work I am putting into it. My running is getting faster, and I am sustain it longer. I am also finding ways to enjoy it more. For example, I downloaded the e-book the Odyssey. Instead of spending countless hours milling over the book. I listen to it while running and biking. It's really a great way to let my mind wonder and create the story as I forget how hard I am working.
And running really is mental. I have found a treadmill that I really like. Mostly because of the way I feel like I am running through the windows when I am on it. However, when I don't have the treadmill I have to revise my mental state when running. It's a bit harder for me. But I am working on it, and doing quite well for myself actually.
I have a lot of former athletes supporting me, and giving me tips as well.
Week 3, you were a hard week. Yet, I made it through stronger more confident and with great looking arms. That's right, I am becoming ever so slightly buff.
Life is absolutely beautifully amazing.

p.s. I am not on acedemic probation, but I do have to talk to my advisers about what happened last semester. I know they will both be concerned, yet understanding. I will also prove to them with this semester that I can be an amazing student again. I've already turned down designing a show, which was hard for me. I know I didn't have the time to do it well and stay on top of my school work in the way that I need to this semester. Still, I feel like I am slowly losing theatre and I want to keep as much as I can in my life.
p.p.s. I am growing up. Whoa.
1 comment:
I am glad your life is beautiful and that week three is hard but satisfying. And despite the fact that your workout buddy has ditched you two days in a row. It's going to take me a few days to get my schedule realigned, but I'll get there!
Also, I am going to keep a fitness journal. I have designed a workout program for myself now.
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