You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Things I am pining after

The first thing on the list of pined after objects is a book called gay haiku this is a funny year real look at a gay man's life through haiku form, it's a book I've been looking at on Amazon for months now and haven't gotten around to buying.

Next on my list is a funny and thought provoking Bu-Jew book. This is a book that adds light to enlightenment for thought Jewish Buddhist who are looking for a way. I've also been reading previews and reviews on this book for a while and haven't obtained my own copy.

Thirdly I've been pining after my law degree. Later this evening I will be taking a LSAT practice exam dry to see where I need to study and work hardest. My actual LSAT date won't be until October of 2010, but with the dyslexia I can't go wrong with starting early. I've also been pining after an adult life. I've been reading about this amazing queer, who's partner is currently pregnant. She had their first child, and now the partner is having the second one. She is also currently in law school, which makes me like her even more. Blog surfing has become my new favorite thing. I meet so many interesting people, most of whom never actually meet me. That's the price I pay in the internet relationship I have formed with blogs though.

I said that I would never pine after the i-phone, but after having my i-touch and wanting to use Google voice I've learned that an I-phone is really up my ally. I can do so many things with it, including board a plane without a paper boarding pass. SO COOL! So I find myself pinning after the Apple/AT&T exclusivity contract to end. Because, no matter how much I want an I-phone, I do not want AT&T to be my service provider.

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