I am really seriously considering a small organic farm for myself. Today I am in what I like to call my prairie clothing. I feel like I should go milk a cow or work in the fields.
I am wearing long underwear, both pants and shirt. A bonnet. And a skirt that is off white with green and brown flowers on it. I would only be more perfectly dressed if I were in a wool skirt and farm shoes. Instead I am in my 'garden' shoes.
Lastly I have been thinking about how much land I will need to farm certain things. For example 1 acre of Sorgum produces 30 gallons. In that same vain an acre of wheat produces about 2 bushels each weighing about 55lb. Potatoes and greens wouldn't be hard to keep along with a winter garden. If I can form my own milling processes, I could compleatly live off of about 3 acres of land, and still sell a small amount of produce. Depending on the state of my veganism I may keep some goats or chickens around for the milk and eggs. I would have to grow a large quantity of beans to dry and keep so maybe I would want 4 acers of land, just for some bumper.
Deending on where this farm ends up will effect my crops - but that is all to be considered
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