You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

two worlds collide

I am torn between two identities. I realize, yes, it is too early to be making large life decision both my identities are very different and I don't think it is exactly possible to live one life with both being completely fufilled.

Identity one: see previous post. Is the idea that I want to do organic farming with the rest of my life. I would work towards sustained living and green practices. Possibly even living off the grid and having a huge rain catchment system.

Although this all sounds wonderful I have Identity two: my inner artist longs to create and live in an environment conducive to art. This typically means a city that has many networks, and possibilities to create. I am considering graduate school for Performance Studies, meaning it would be easy to start my career into the this world and identity - but I don't know if I am willing to live in a city, or suburbia for the rest of my life.

I know that I still have a lot of time to think about this - but really the issue is what should i do with my summers. Should I create and work on amazing theatre/performance art, or should I wwoof and learn organics.

So many options and possibilities - Maybe I will find a way to do both. I've heard of major urban gardening - mostly as service to communities so maybe that is where I am headed in life. something like growing power.

oh - today it is snowing... a lot!

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