I am currently costume designing a period piece for a class and a semi period piece for a show. I am having a hard time keeping myself straight with all the old cuts and big skirts.
An Enemy of the People - for my class is being set in 1882 and my designs are being true to that - they are even really beautiful! Although tonight I will be painting and spending hours in the studio - Grant McCracken said he will join me so I am not too lonely. I am sure to see other students there as well.
Women of Troy is an old Greek play that we are setting in "no time" with metallic undertones and simple colours. I am sure to have a good time with the girls all in dresses and the two men in proper man's clothing. I am excited for the chance to design something on my own accord.
All I want to do all day long is figure draw and watercolour paint!
all day long
haha I adore you.
I adore Victorian costumes, even though corsets are awful and full of bad organ re-arranging. I just can't help but find the costumes classy.
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