You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Student designer

Please don't give me shit as a student designer. I made a conscious choice to put you into something, and I altered it so that it fit. By hand even. Those are hand stitches!
I've read the play, I've done my research, I've sat in production meetings. I may not have a degree but I designed this show and this is the way that I want it.

One actor gave me shit today about a costume and feeling like it didn't fit. This is untrue. The costume fits fine with everything else. It is actually one I am quite fond of! I'm exhausted and I did not want to go into my entire design concept and process with her. Furthermore what designer ever does with an actor. It hurt me a little. But I had to go back to the other show I am working on and I didn't have time to worry about it.

Leda assured me that the colours are "AMAZING" and that she loves the choices I made. Why do I let it bother me then?

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