You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Saturday, October 31, 2009

the colour of dyslexia

I finally realized why I can handle numbers being said aloud to me, such as phone numbers. But I can not deal with letters being read aloud to me in sucession.

With numbers I can group them together better, and I see each number as a colour. This is similar to the way I see sounds that aren't words. I can group these colours together in patterns that make sense and therefore I can insert them into my phone or memory. I was always rather good t remembering phone numbers before the advent of the cell phone in my life.

With letters though I see a picture, normally of the letter, and normally of the letter backwards. This makes it far harder for me to put together last names, or other words that people spell to me. I often need to hear them 2 or 3 times, before getting it right. In most cases, even after the name or word is spelled to me 3 times I still have a letter or two off.

I am still not sure why these have such different associations, but I am glad I can now understand them better.

le sigh
I love self realizations.

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