You don't have to run to know what resistance feels like

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Simpson is on my mind

It has come to my attention that Simpson college is having trouble with hate related crimes, robberies, and rape on campus. Traditionally this College was seen to be as safe as Grinnell College but in the recent past this is changing. Both pressures of the College and the community around the institution are causing these bias related movements.

I fear for my own safety in the world. Also for the safety of so many people I love. There is a lot of work left to be done in this world to make it safe and accepting for everyone.

women, transgenders, queers, minorities you are on my mind

Simpson College, you are on my mind.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Holland said...

Oh no! I had no idea. My mother is a Simpson alum, and grew up in Indianola. Simpson is close to my heart in a number of ways. I'm upset to hear that violent crime there has increased. Love to them.